For more than a decade, has hosted an online magazine and reader community with the simple goal to stir up “everyday conversations about work, life, and God.” Essays and think pieces come from an impressive team of in-house writers and editors; outside contributors; and select bloggers. The community daily examines and debates both hot issues and “daily” questions about life, faith, and work.
Howard Butt Jr., vice chair of the H.E. Butt Grocery Co., leads the H.E. Butt Foundation to help Christians connect their faith, their work, their everyday lives, and the culture around them. The Foundations for Laity Renewal established not only The High Calling online community but the 1,900-acre Laity Lodge retreat center and camp in Central Texas and the Laity Leadership Institute.
Editorial Director Dan Roloff said. “From faith at home, in the workplace, or out in our large culture, from more than 10 years and many top writers in faith and business, The High Calling content helps people think and grow. Best of all, it’s free.” In May 2011 the site reached 38,000 subscribers, through its Daily Reflections, Weekly Calling, and newsletters.
At, subscribers and readers will find
- Original articles by contributing writers
- Links to selected bloggers writing in concert with The High Calling mission
- Sermon outlines and small group content on life, faith, and work.
- Audio broadcasts—The High Calling, from Howard Butt.
- E-Newsletters
- Daily Reflection, a daily devotional from Mark Roberts, popular blogger, pastor, author, and scholar-in-residence at Laity Lodge.