This biography was written by Andrea’s late husband and Chrysostom Society member, Keith Miller. Keith passed away in 2012.
Andrea grew up in Oak Ridge, Tennessee and went to Furman University in Greenville, S.C. where she majored in Piano Pedagogy. While there she worked as a vocal studio accompanist and a switchboard operator. After graduating, she moved to Waco, Texas where she attended Baylor University for two semesters before going to work at Word Music in Waco, TX. Soon she became director of Music Marketing at Word Music, the then largest Christian music company in the U.S.
She was single, having been divorced six years before we met. I had been through a painful divorce that was my fault and was trying to come to grips with how to face and deal with my own self-centeredness which had surfaced, hurt my wife, and children more than I could have processed if I hadn’t been in so much denial.
Andrea and I were introduced by Paul and Ursula Van Duinen when Paul was director of sales for Word books.
Andrea said that she had about decided that she was probably going to be one of God’s single people. So we began to talk about some of the problems of being single as Christians—and wrote a book about that called The Single Experience.
Andrea was a writer and wrote a book for Christian music choir directors about how to do some of things choir directors in churches are not taught in music schools or in seminaries (The Choir Directors Handbook). The book met a real need, and I and the staff at Word were very impressed with the creative things Andrea developed to help choir directors do their vocation of helping people worship through music.
Andrea then wrote a best selling book, BodyCare, that contained a creative approach to combine a healthy diet with physical fitness and a deeper devotional life with God.
Subsequently Andrea wrote two books called Facing Codependence and Facing Love Addiction with Pia Mellody, and a book with Dr. Richard Grant called Recovering Connections—which brought together several aspects of psychiatry regarding stages of development and living in a relationship to the God Jesus called Father.
I had not known Andrea before my divorce, so was surprised to discover that she was interested in helping people live and relate to each other in the context of their spiritual lives.
We were married in 1979 and celebrated our 30th anniversary in February of 2009.
Together we have tried to face, walk through and grow from our own separate (and shared) difficulties, while trying to help others along the way. We continue to try to grow up as individuals living in the reign of God Jesus announced and inaugurated. We are grateful to the wonderful people who encouraged us to step out and invite some of you who also want to be on the honest to God adventure of the living Christ and some of his other hurting and growing children.