This collection of poems by Jill Peláez Baumgaertner begins in the growing darkness of November, stretches through Advent
and the seasons leading to Easter and to Pentecost, and ends in the budding light of the Scottish
Orkney Islands, where the canonical hours measure time over centuries and where God broods over
an austere and beautiful landscape. The measurement of time passing and returning, year after
year, in the rhythms of the seasons and of the liturgical year, create the pace and the song. But in
the biblical voices of Magdalene, Mary, Abel, and Eve, and in the grim historical and political
realities of war and suffering, one also hears lament and finds the poet’s clear-eyed gaze straight
into life’s challenges. Memory is at work here, too, in personal reminiscences and in theological
reflection. As one philosopher has said, “All truth is God’s truth.”
Find it here: